effe's oc list

Dragon Age

Moira Amell

Grey Warden. Hero of Ferelden.

Amalia Trevelyan

Herald of Andraste. Inquisitor.

Renata Trevelyan

Envoy of House Trevelyan to the Conclave and, later, the Inquisition. Cousin of the Inquisitor.

Cecil Vanderbrant-Trevelyan

Heir to Houses Trevelyan and Vanderbrant. Adoptive brother of the Inquisitor.

Eloise Trevelyan

Younger half-sister of the Inquisitor.

Ariadne Cousland

Definitely not a Hero, but definitely of Ferelden.

Bette Hawke

Champion of Kirkwall.

Baldur's Gate

Vierna Do'Urden

Scion of the House Do'Urden. Hero of Baldur's Gate.


The Dark Urge. Chosen of Bhaal. Bhaalspawn.

Esther Hullhollyn

Nobody's hero.

Mass Effect

Morgan Shepard

Commander. Spacer. War Hero.

Moira Amell

Grey Warden, Hero of Ferelden. Main character of Super Secret Fic Project.

art © vjatoch

"I'm not afraid of heights — I'm afraid of falling"

Full name: Moira Marigold Amell
Pronouns: She/Her
Nicknames: Referred to as "Little Warden" by Zevran (affectionately), referred to as "Small Warden" by Sten (because he cannot remember her name)
Birthday and birthplace: 2nd of Bloomingtide, 9:11 Dragon - Kirkwall
Height: 5'1/154cm
Class: Mage(ish)
Titles: Apprentice of the Circle of Magi, Grey Warden (Hero of Ferelden in the post-fic timeline)
Love Interest: Alistair
Favorite pastime: Collecting plants, reading

Parents: Revka (biological mother) and Callahan Amell (father through marriage)
Siblings: Sybil Amell (b. 9:01 Dragon), Ossian and Oran Amell (b. 9:03 Dragon; identical twins) and Eoin Amell (b. 9:07 Dragon)

All of her biological half-siblings are mages in different Circles (Sybil is in Cumberland, Ossian is in Ghislain, Eoin is in Dairsmuid, Oran is in Starkhaven). Her biological father is unknown, but suspected (correctly) by Callahan Amell to be Knight-Templar Royce of the Gallows of Kirkwall, with whom Revka Amell had an affair during their marriage. Despite this, Callahan is a kind and caring man that comes to love Moira as one of his own and does not hold his suspicions against her. She is taken to the Circle at the age of three and has no memory of her family.

Quiet. Controlled. Timid. Reserved. Shy. Kind-hearted. Intelligent. Proud. Snarky. Pragmatic. Insecure. Meticulous. Well-read. Sheltered. Capable. Prone to blushing and stammering. Dirty sense of humor.

Quick Facts
- A canon-bending limited mage, capable only of increasing the force of an object already in motion in the direction in which it is already in motion. Uses this in combination with a bow in combat. Is not a particularly spectacular archer; makes up for the fact that she cannot hit between cracks in armor with the fact that she can make the arrow go so fast the armor doesn't matter anymore.
- Conscripted out of the Circle before she was harrowed, and so she never goes through the process.
- She has a heart-shaped gold pendant she wears around her neck at all times that is very important to her. She won't tell you the reasons why, though.
- Her hair gets poofy when it's humid.
- She doesn't know anything about her family or any of her own personal information as that information has been hidden from her by the Circle to prevent her from ever reconnecting with her family. She overheard her surname being spoken once, but heard it wrong, and thinks it's "Ammel."
- Her ultimate fear is losing control.

Quotes by Moira
The templars were never interested in me. Nor were the senior enchanters. Or the first enchanter. Or… anyone, for that matter. I tried to look it up sometime — why I’m like this, I mean. But… well. Nothing was ever written about someone like me. Whatever it is, they didn’t exactly consider it a good kind of uniqueness in the Circle. I guess that’s why they never harrowed me.

It doesn’t work like that, idiot! It incapacitates the body, but not the mind! He can still feel; that’s why they use it in interrogation poisons!

You wanting something doesn’t automatically mean it’s the wrong thing to do.

I'm not afraid of heights. I'm afraid of falling from them.

Quotes about Moira
She's been underestimated her entire life. We would do well not to make the same mistake.
— Duncan

Moira’s smart, and she’s brave, and she’s saved my life several times already. I wouldn’t be here without her. When it really matters, she does what she has to. Who cares if she happens to be quiet and red-faced the rest of the time?
— Alistair

Amalia Trevelyan

Herald of Andraste. Inquisitor.

art © vjatoch

"We must forge something good from the ashes of our past"

Full name: Ava Amalia Alouette Trevelyan, "Amalia"
Pronouns: She/Her
Nicknames: Varric tried to call her Freckles — once, and then never, ever again. She is called "Mally" by her family, and the name is rather bittersweet, as it was originally what her baby sister called her.
Birthday and birthplace: 7th of Wintermarch, 9:13 Dragon - Ostwick
Height: 5'4/163cm
Class: Mage, Knight-Enchanter
Titles: Lady, Senior Enchanter of the Circle of Magi, Herald of Andraste, Inquisitor
Love Interest: Cullen
Favorite pastime: Reading, magical and alchemical study, training

Parents: Bann Atticus Trevelyan (father), Lady Ophelia Trevelyan (mother, deceased) and Lady Sabine Trevelyan (step-mother)
Siblings: sister Aurelia Trevelyan (9:15-9:23 Dragon), step-brother Cecil Vanderbrand-Trevelyan (b. 9:15 Dragon), half-sister Eloise Trevelyan (b. 9:20 Dragon)

Amalia's biological mother Ophelia died giving birth to her younger sister Aurelia, after which her father Atticus married the wealthy young widow Lady Sabine Vanderbrand in order to gain control of the Vanderbrand estate through adopting her unborn son. Amalia's magic manifested in 9:23 Dragon, at the age of ten, when she went to wave off her younger sister who was trying to follow her and her friends into the woods to play. A strong force suddenly erupted from her hand, throwing Aurelia into a tree. She was killed on impact, and Amalia was taken away to the Circle of Ostwick three days later, leaving Cecil the heir apparent to both the Vanderbrand and Trevelyan titles.

Strong. Entitled. Polite. Confident. Elegant. Educated. Collected. Cold. Warm. Graceful. Caring. Kind. Rational. Sarcastic. Terrified. Diplomatic. Controlled. Distant. Passionate.

Quick Facts
- After the death of her sister, Amalia dedicated herself to mastering her craft. She exerts stringent control over herself at all times, in all matters.
- She's a Circle-positive mage. She believes that magic can be dangerous in untrained hands, and, for the safety of both mages and the people around them, mages must be taught to control their magic, even if the cost of that is depriving them of their freedom for some time. She advocates for Circle reform as a non-optional institute run by mages for mages, where mages are safe and comfortable as they learn skills they need and are tested in them before being allowed to return to the rest of the world.
- She rose quickly within the ranks of the Circle of Ostwick, becoming the youngest ever appointed Senior Enchanter at the age of 24. She thinks it was purely on merit. Unbeknownst to her, her father greased a few palms to get her to where he thought she should be — if she was to be a mage, then she needed to be a prominent one.
- She has a horse named Rabbit.

Quotes by Amalia
I won’t say you aren’t right to regret what you’ve done. We’ve all done things we regret — but regret doesn’t bring back what we destroyed. That's why we must try to forge something new and good from the ashes of our past. That’s why you can do this — why you have to do this.

The mages are free, for better or for worse — it’s time for the templars to be free, too.

You give me far too little credit, Commander. I may not have been born a stellar general, but I learn quickly.

I have never been able to make my peace with what I’ve done. I don’t expect I ever will. There is no way to move past it, only ways to try to endure it.

Quotes about Amalia
She's not one for strategy, granted — but I suppose brute force can be equally effective.
- Varric

Her very presence makes me feel stronger.
- Cullen

I'm hoping you won't try to attack her. Not that you have any chance of actually harming her, but it'd be unfortunate all the same. I've grown quite fond of seeing your head attached to your body.
- Dorian

Well, she certainly looks the part of Herald. I am quite certain we will be able to make something of this.
- Josephine